If you knew you'd live to 100, how would you change your life today?

Pathways of Savage


  • Dr. Kenny Barnett
Phone: (952) 226-5502
14247 O'Connell Court #275
Savage, MN
55378 US
    [address] => Pathways of Savage 14247 O'Connell Court #275, Savage, MN 55378
    [lat] => 44.745271
    [lng] => -93.3508224
    [zoom] => 14
    [place_id] => ChIJ5biezBI89ocRmLbErzbiLsc
    [street_number] => 14247
    [street_name] => Oconnell Court
    [street_name_short] => Oconnell Ct
    [city] => Savage
    [state] => Minnesota
    [state_short] => MN
    [post_code] => 55378
    [country] => United States
    [country_short] => US

Pathways of Savage

  • 14247 O'Connell Court #275
  • Savage, MN 55378
  • (952) 226-5502